Podiatrists can take actions in the evolution of you child’s growth from the age of 4.
Prior to that age, children have a flat foot morphology and have not begun to develop their own morphotype.
On the other hand, the podiatrist can act at any age for problems of toe positioning.
- frequent falls
- persistent flat feet beyond 7 years
- scoliotsis or scoliotic position
- walks on tiptoes
- running difficulties / stumbling
- knee or feet that turn inward
- limb length difference
- growth / sports pathology:
osgood shlatter / sinding-larsen johanson: knee pain
sever : heel pain
kholer-mouchet : pain on the inside of the foot
- ...
First of all to reassure you about the evolution of your child's growth
To guide you in the choice of the most suitable shoe
Advise you on exercises to strengthen the foot
Make a custom-made pair of insoles if the analysis of your child's static problems reveals that this is necessary
Redirect you to health professionals in order to guarantee a global care of your child